About Us

Angélique Millar Stelnick ABCDT

Owner- The Flying Fuzzbutts

Pet First Aid Certified through St John's Ambulance, Licensed, Insured


Angélique has always had a profound love and respect for animals.  She grew up with a wide range of pets: everything from newts to cats, turtles to rabbits and even rats!

Her career working with animals began with wrangling in theatre, film and television.  Realizing that she would be even happier working with animals daily rather than on contract, she started exploring dog walking and training as a career.

Angélique attended the Animal Behavior College and completed their LIMA compliant Dog Training course, graduating with honours and a 96% average.

 She also successfully completed the Coaching Essentials course through Leadership that Works




Gertrude’s Story

By Angélique Stelnick

When I was growing up I loved animals. Still do. The problem with dogs was that I hadn’t met many nice ones. I had been bitten as a little kid, on multiple occasions, and a strong distrust of dogs began. By the time I was in my early 20s, it was a full-blown phobia. If a dog approached me, my natural reaction would be to stiffen and ball my hands up into fists under my chin. Once in a while, a friend might have a dog who, over time, I would realize that maybe, possibly wasn’t a threat. But I certainly wasn’t comfortable with them. 

Then I met someone... and his Olde English Bulldogge, Gertrude. Being a life-long pet owner, I saw the bond they had and I knew; if I want to be in this guy’s life, I have to love his dog. That was absolutely necessary. I felt the same way about my house rabbit, Lovely. 

One night, on a date at his place, he made us a delicious chicken dish. “It’s really messy so it’s better if you just eat it with your hands!” he said. Man, I loved him! We had a great time laughing and eating. Once we finished he said “ ... and the best part is, when you’re done you can let Gertrude lick your fingers off!”  

Huh. Yeah. That’s a great idea! Cover myself in meat juices and stick my fingers in a dog’s mouth! Naturally, I smiled and nodded. My hands were shaking so violently I had to put them under the table so he wouldn’t see. “Gertrude!” I called out in a tiny voice. Her name had barely left my lips as she pranced over with a big doggy grin and gently slurped each finger. I didn’t even feel her teeth! I was shocked. I started to realize that, in retrospect, maybe the dogs I had encountered as a child weren’t getting everything they needed and were acting out. Maybe they weren’t great ambassadors because of various traumas they’d suffered...

Gertrude was so gentle. So funny and sweet. I remember thinking how special she was. But she was clearly exceptional.... right? I mean, most dogs aren’t gentle like this? 

She helped me heal in ways I truly had not anticipated. I soon became a true dog lover. I started wrangling animals for film, TV and theatre. A career shift was in the works. 

After she passed I felt a giant, Gertrude-shaped hole in my heart. What I needed was to have dogs in my life on a daily basis. I started dog walking, then went to school for animal behaviour & training... She changed my life. I’ll always be grateful for her and everything she taught me.
